Leaving A Legacy
Did you know that you can leave a lasting legacy with a meaningful planned gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime? Once your family and friends are provided for, we hope you consider a legacy gift that strengthens our community families forever as a part of your life story. Your legacy gift will help ensure that our services will be available for future generations.
Ways to Leave a Legacy
Designating a legacy gift in your will or trust is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to leave a lasting gift in your name. There are a few ways people give this gift to Christian Neighbors.
- Bequests: Through a bequest you can make a provision in your will or living trust for a specific dollar amount, a specific asset or a percentage of your estate.
- Gifts by beneficiary designation: When you give a gift for Christian Neighbors from your retirement plan, insurance plan or other assets, you ensure that the basic needs of our neighbors are cared for. It’s as simple as contacting the firm that holds your assets and asking for a beneficiary form to fill out
- Stocks, bonds and mutual funds: For questions or to transfer contact Debbie Clark at Clearwater Financial, 269-685-1170.
- Life insurance: If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, you can use it to fund a legacy gift while also enjoying tax savings during your lifetime. Talk to your tax adviser about the various ways this option can benefit you today. Your unneeded insurance policy can impact another life forever.
- Retirement Accounts: (401k, Simple IRA, IRA, 403b, etc.) The IRA Charitable Rollover, as of 2016, has been made permanent. If you are 70 1/2 years or older and want to make a gift without federal tax liability, this is a great way to give. Your gift is tax free up to $100,000 per year.
- Real Estate
- “In Trust” Accounts: Any bank account or stock account in your name can be set up “In trust for Christian Neighbors.” You retain exclusive control of the account during your lifetime. Upon your death, the account passes to CN without probate or tax.
Food Pantry Donations
Your food donations help us feed our community
Eighty-five percent of all of the food that goes inside our food boxes come from the generous support of our community. Thank you for your faithful help. Non-perishable food items can be dropped off any time in our food donation box located on the west side of the building. This box is checked several times each day. Someone is here for perishable items or if you need help on Mondays 9-6, Tuesdays 9-4, Thursdays 9-5 and Friday 9-noon. Please ring the buzzer on the west side of the building for help.
Extra Produce?
We love receiving your fresh garden produce. We also have a health and beauty products shelf where we give out personal hygiene products, Perrigo products, laundry soaps and toilet paper.
Have a Food Drive!
Your group or organization may wish to organize a food drive. Or, if you are having a special party (birthday, anniversary, or Christmas) and don’t need gifts, your guests may love to celebrate you by bringing food donations in your honor. Email avanputten@christianneighbors.org for tools and information.
Items We Always Need
Please do not donate opened or damaged products. Call before you shop if you want to know our immediate need: 269-685-4166. Your food donations may be tax deductible just save your receipts and ask your tax advisor if you can use them. Our Tax ID# is 38-3451688.
- Cereal & Pancake Mix
- Peanut Butter
- Saltine Crackers
- Canned Fruit & Vegetables
- Box Potatoes & Stuffing Mix
- Dinner Meal Kits
- Pasta Noodles & Sauce
- Canned Pasta
- Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash
- Laundry Soap and Dish Soap
Items we do not accept
We are not accepting clothing or household item donations.
Please contact the SDA Otsego Community Service Center at (269)694-4775 to donate these items.
Leave your name and either a phone number, email, or both and we'll reach out to you soon. Thanks!